Urban Training Center Internship Program

Internship Program


To create a recruitment track for potential Staff. Through a live in 3 month program facilitated at the West Coast UTC. This track would serve as an opportunity for the UTC Committee to get to know and assess the interns for the purpose of confirming their potential and placing them in one of our campuses according to their strengths and the need. This assessment will be done through building relationships and through observing the interns operate in the challenges and opportunities given to them, as well as bi-monthly reviews.


  • Assist on UTC Intl projects
  • Assist in GANG Intl Departments
  • Build relationships with UTC Committee
  • Exposure to Multi Regional Churches
  • Function with WC UTC Team
  • Become familiar with VOI Departments


  • UTC Alumni
  • Completed application
  • Released from home church (2yr minimum)
  • 18 VETI Units (minimum)
  • $500 enrollment fee
  • UWC Member (covenant partner)


Upon the completion of the 6 month training an interview will take place with the intern to determine whether they still have the desire to be staff. The intern’s gifts and power spots will also be discussed, in order to determine the campus they will serve at. We will also consider the possibility of the intern serving in other international departments or roles within G.A.N.G.

Internship Application